Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club








C Walk Sunday 18th May 2014   

Annual Coach Ramble

C Walk Sunday 18th May 2014

Waterfalls Walk 

4 Miles, Grade 4

Leader: Gill Thompson

Report by Gill Thompson


Eight set out at about 12.15pm to walk through the woods beside the Falls of Leny. There were no sudden drops which I associate with "falls",but the water was rushing and turbulent for a long way,ideal, you would imagine for white water rafting. Luckily the rain had stopped,but it was very humid and still, so, unluckily, the midges were out in force. After about two miles we emerged from the woodland and continued on the old railway line into the outskirts of Callander. The route from here was uphill for a while,through woods above the town,and at this point, two of the party felt the pull of the coffee shops and decided to leave the party.  The remaining six looked for the start of the path,very fortunately we asked a "local" and were told that the path was impassable with fallen trees and overgrown vegetation,and he directed us to another way onto the same path,but further on. It proved to be a pleasant way with good views of the surrounding countryside. The Bracklinn falls proved to be a popular destination for anybody who could put one foot in front of the other,but WOW! it was really something,and we felt it had been worth the effort, (most of the visitors there had only walked from a nearby car park.)
