Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club







Autumn Newsletter    

The Winter Programme is enclosed. Several new leaders have come forward, so welcome to all of them and thanks to everyone who has offered to take part. There are still one or two leaders who put in an exceptional amount of time and effort and without them we would probably be struggling, so any other potential new leaders would still be most welcome. We would recommend that anyone willing but a little nervous might benefit from offering to joint lead with one of the regulars for a bit of experience and encouragement. The Rambles Secretary, Peter Flynn, will shortly be compiling the next Summer programme, so please forward any suggestions to him. Please note that the distance and grade of the walks in the programme are provisional and could be changed; for up to date information see the website shortly before the date.
Walk Arrangements. 
Walkers need to select a walk suitable to their own abilities. Leaders need to describe walks as accurately as possible, especially if there are parts of a walk that require the suffix Sc (occasional use of hands) or Scr (contains a severe scramble). These walks must be explored personally and serious consideration given to taking a safety rope (available from John McKay or Peter Flynn). No leader should ever lead a potentially dangerous walk on sight. Steep or very long walks can present problems of endurance and back markers should be appointed for larger groups. The other obligation on leaders is to make sure at all times that the group members are together and if some are lagging behind and unable to keep the same pace as the rest, then it is very important to stop and regroup as frequently as is necessary. Barring emergencies, the leader should never leave the party to fend for itself. If a member voluntarily leaves the group, the responsibility for return transport is theirs. Obviously if several are missing then something untoward is likely to have happened and allowances must be made. 
Email addresses - please ensure that the secretary ( has your email details – if you have not been bombarded recently with requests to lead walks, then you are not on the email list.
Website – Stephen Parker has offered to assist with the website and has been invited to join the committee.
Friday night social evenings recommence on 9th October and there is a full programme which will take place on a fortnightly basis. We look forward to seeing you all there. Apart from the usual talks, there will be a Children in Need Night on 20th November which will also include a bring and buy sale and a raffle – so please gather together your unwanted items and bring them along – all donations for the raffle also gratefully received.
The Christmas Party will take place on Friday 18th December and we will be holding another ceilidh attended by Thrice Brewed who gave an excellent performance last time. Tickets will be available for this event nearer the time and will costs £15 per person – this price being inclusive of a Christmas-themed buffet and the raffle. The last ceilidh was very well attended and we would recommend booking early as numbers will be limited – names to John McKay. Non-member guests are welcome.
The Thursday Evening Walks have been very successful, having developed into a popular social evening starting with the walk and ending with dinner at a convenient hostelry. They were well supported and will definitely be on the programme again next summer.
The Annual Coach Ramble – we are open to suggestions – Malham is one possibility.
The Annual Coach Outing – again open to suggestions. Barnard Castle and Harrogate have been mentioned.
The Club Holiday is always a friendly sociable experience. It will be from Friday 22nd to Friday 29thth April 2016 at Monk Coniston, a Gothic style historic house on the shores of Lake Coniston. All levels of walks will be offered, and there will be the usual entertaining social programme to enjoy in the company of Club members. If you have not already booked and would like to go, contact Graham Bell.
Guidelines for Walkers and Leaders are on the web site, please make sure you have seen them. Would walk leaders please remember that if you are unable to lead a walk, it is your responsibility to find a replacement leader.  Please send John McKay your walk description a few days prior to the walk.
Discounts of at least 10% (Freetime and Cotswolds 15%) are available at any of the Carlisle outdoor shops on production of a self-signed programme.