1. The Club shall be called the Carlisle & District Rambling Club. (am 2004 &1999 AGM's)
2. Membership shall be open to all lovers of the open air, and membership is effected on the receipt of the current subscription.
3. The aims and objects shall be; to provide for the healthy enjoyment of leisure, to encourage love of the open air, to promote social friendships, and to organise activities within these objects.
4. The following officers shall be appointed; Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Rambles Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary (1999 AGM), Publicity Offcer (2008 AGM), and at least four other Committee members, all of whom must be subscribing members.
4a. An Honorary President may be appointed for a three year term. (1990 AGM)
4b. The appointment of Honorary Life Members may be recommended to the AGM by the Committee. Members may submit recommendations to the Committee before the end of the December prior to the AGM. (2013 AGM)
5. The annual subscription shall be that figure agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
6. The financial year shall end on the last day of December (am 1993 AGM) each year, and subscriptions payable to the Treasurer will be due on March 1st.
7. An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than March 31st to receive the Secretary's Report, the Treasurer's Statement of Accounts, and to elect a Committee for the ensuing year.
8. All Officers of Committee shall be elected for the period of one year, but shall be eligible for re-election.
9. Election of the Committee shall be by ballot.
”Election of the committee shall be by show of hands of those members present at the AGM. In the event that any committee position is contested, the committee have the power to decide to run a secret ballot of those present at the AGM.”
10. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a Member to fill any vacancy which occurs during the year.
11. Three members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
12. Alterations to the Constitution can be made only at an AGM or at an Extra-Ordinary Meeting called at the request of not less than twelve members.
13. Notice of AGM shall be given fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
14. Notice of EGM shall be given one month before the date of the meeting.
15. Termination of Membership. The Committee shall have the right, for good and sufficient reasons, to terminate the membership of an individual member provided that the individual member shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a decision is made and shall have the right to appeal to a General Meeting of the Club. (2006 AGM)
16. Dissolution
a. If, at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Club to be held not less than two months thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
b. If at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of the Full Members present, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realize the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.
c. After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Club. (2006 AG
Rambles will start from outside the entrance to the Sands Car Park, Carlisle.
Any member wishing to join or leave the ramble or journey elsewhere should notify the leader.
Coach rambles are for members going on scheduled walks only.
Members should respect the pace set by the leader, wear suitable clothing and boots, and notify the leader if they intend to leave the party.
The leader may curtail, alter or abandon the ramble if he/she considers that the weather conditions justify such a course of action.
Dogs are not allowed on coaches used by the Club. On other rambles dogs must be kept on leads at all times from January till June inclusive and always below intake walls. One dog only per walker is permitted on rambles.
Leaders of coach rambles should confirm with the coach operator the booking a few days before the date required. They must also ascertain that the coach may safely and legally use the road to and from the rambles. Leaders are expected to collect coach fares on their rambles.
Neither the Club, its Officers, Committee Members or Rambles Leaders can accept responsibility for any injury or loss sustained by a member or any other person taking part in the Club's activities.






Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays

Don't Forget

The Clocks go Back 1 Hour This Sunday 27th October 2024