Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club








Frank's Book     


Frank Grant, a club member, is in need of assistance


As you may recall, I wrote the biography of Rusty Westmorland OBE and am now trying to get it into print. I have attached a letter I have been sending out to my contacts and wondered what if anything, the Ramblers Club could do to assist me in this endeavour.


Do you have any ideas?




Frank Grant




Dear ???????,


Biography: Rusty Westmorland OBE – Lakeland’s Last Climbing Pioneer and Founder of Keswick Mountain Rescue.

As you may (or may not) be aware, I have spent the past three years researching material for the biography of Rusty Westmorland, an unsung climbing pioneer of Lakeland (and the Canadian Rockies). Once the manuscript was finished and proof read (in addition to having it read by Rusty’s last surviving direct relative, his grandson Dickon, living in Australia, and a few others who have an interest in mountaineering history), I set about finding a publisher.

After contacting approximately fourteen publishers, both local and national, I received one of three responses – no reply; they felt the biography was of interest but they had already chosen their projects for 2014, 2015 and in some cases, for 2016; or, they thought the book was well written and presented but had a small audience appeal given that Rusty did not do anything significant that has got him into any mountaineering history books, and as such, they did not see the project being financially viable for them.

However, I did make contact with Carlisle based P3 Publications (David Ramshaw, who has written and published his own books in addition to others of local interest). After discussing the project in depth we came up with an agreement.

He would be willing to set and design the book format, ensure all images were of a high quality and were inserted in appropriate places within the text, contact his printer to ensure the best financial deal for 500 copies, use his own book outlet network when the book was in print, and help with advertising. His administrative costs would be £500 on top of the printer costs [£2,845] making a total cost of £3,345.

Note: I have attached the printers letter showing the cost of 500 and 1000 books but feel that 500 is more realistic at this stage.

It has always been my intention from the outset, to donate 50% of all book sales to Keswick Mountain Rescue Team as my acknowledgement for the good work they have done and still do. I am sure Rusty would approve of this!

Not being in a position to put up the money myself, I am attempting to raise the amount needed to get the book into print and will do this via several ways:


[1] Ask members of the public to subscribe to the book. Their names would then appear in 

     the back of the book in a list of subscribers.


[2] Delivering illustrated talks to groups around the County on a variety of topics.

                 An adventurous life on and over the edge.

                 Making sense of NDE’s – Theoretical and Experiential.

                 Rusty Westmorland – His life and times.

                 Living with a Medium, Angels and Ghosts.


[3] Organise an evening of clairvoyance and/or healing around the County.


[4] Organise a pie and pea supper with an auction event – donated items, books, bric-a- 

     brac,  pictures, prints etc.


[5] Other appropriate events!

What I would request in order to help me achieve my aim, is your advice, help, support and/or assistance in a variety of ways. For example, I live in Carlisle and as I am not originally from this area my circle of friends and social acquaintances are few, and restricted to the Carlisle area. Do you know of a venue outside of Carlisle that I could give an illustrated talk in, or an organisation that would be interested in arranging one for their members etc? Do you have any other ideas that in any way could allow me to achieve my aim? Is there an avenue or event I have not thought about? How best to go about seeking subscribers and so on. Your input no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.

I appreciate your time and thank you for your attention.

Yours Faithfully


Frank Grant


June 2014




Organisations and Individuals contacted seeking their support:

Cumberland News

Fell & Rock Climbing Club

Lakeland Mountain Rescue Committee

Keswick Mountain Rescue Team

Carlisle Climbing Club

Eden Valley Climbing Club

Penrith Rotary

Keswick Rotary

Doug Scott CBE

Sir Chris Bonnington

Carlisle & District Ramblers

Mountain Heritage Trust