The Health Benefits of Walking


Extracts from a recent report published by Macmillan Cancer Support & The Ramblers Association .

Walking for 150 minutes a week could save 37,000 people a year from dying prematurely of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Being inactive can take three to five years off your life and increase your chances of having one of the above mentioned ailments by 25-50 per cent. A lack of activity is responsible for 17 per cent of early deaths in the UK.

You can’t be healthy if you are inactive.

All it takes is 150 minutes of walking a week.


Walk 20 minutes to live longer: Huge study reveals benefit of daily exercise (and how a lack of it kills twice as many people as obesity) 

·         A lack of exercise kills twice as many people as obesity, researchers warn

·         The Cambridge University study found even modest activity prolongs life

·         Twenty minutes of walking a day cuts premature risk of death by a third


PUBLISHED: 19:00, 14 January 2015 | UPDATED: 09:20, 15 January 2015


A brisk daily walk of just 20 minutes could add years to your life, scientists said last night.

In a stark warning against couch-potato lifestyles, they said lack of exercise killed twice as many people as obesity.

The Cambridge University study of 334,000 people found that even a modest amount of activity prolonged life. And the least fit had the most to gain.


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Health Benefits



Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

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