Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club







This Weeks Events & Walks    


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Sunday 8th November 2015

Remembrance Sunday Service

at Castle Crag followed by walks

Coach Walk

Rosehill: 8.20am, Sands: 8.30am


The coach will take us to Grange in ample time for the short walk to the summit of Castle Crag.

The short service takes place at 11.00am. Following the service there will be three walks.



This Weeks Events & Walks

Coach Walk Sunday 8th November-Rosehill 8.20am Sands 8.30am 

Sunday 8th November 2015

A Walk

8 Miles Grade 2

Castle Crag-High Spy-MaidenMoor-Catbells

Leader: Pete Bowyer

Sunday 8th November 2015

B Walk

10 Miles Grade 3

Castle Crag-Keswick

Leaders: Chris & Tom Fortune

Sunday 8th November 2015

C Walk

7.75 Miles Grade 3


Leader: Aileen Sykes

Friday 6th November 2015


Church of Scotland Hall, Chapel Street, Carlisle


Costa Rica


Steve Doyle





After leaving Carlisle half-an-hour earlier than usual, the coach will drop us off at Grange in Borrowdale. We then head SE via Holmcrag Wood and a bend in the River Derwent to Castle Crag, in good time for the Remembrance Sunday commemoration at 11.00 am. As there are likely to be a fair few people on the summit, we'll need to keep together as a group, aiming to set off again at about 11.30 am. We then contour round the hill before turning W up Tongue Gill to Rigghead Quarries, which will probably be our lunch-stop. Then it's a short haul up to the ridge above Dalehead Tarn, before we head N up to High Spy and on to Maiden Moor and Cat Bells. If it's wet, we'll probably avoid the slightly tricky descent from Cat Bells by dropping back down to the valley from Hause Gate just before the summit. Otherwise we'll descend the winding path to Hause End, before following the Cumbrian Way via Portinscale to Keswick. Timing could well be a little tight, but there's a nice tea-shop at Nichol End which stays open until 5.00 pm. as well as the many in Keswick.

I will start with a memo to self : Don’t forget that the bus departs 30 minutes earlier today which we managed to somehow do last year! 

Although I’m sure nobody remembers. This walk will start in Grange and finish in Keswick. As we leave Grange whilst not exactly clock watching we need to be aware of the time as the service will start at 11 am prompt with or without us. There should be ample time however to achieve this without undue haste. Castle Crag is only a summit of approx 990 feet but it is worth noting that most of this ascent is completed in the last half mile and follows a steep path through shale that might occasionally require a slight degree of scrambling, particularly if wet. Following the service we will descend half of the distance through the shale and cross a stile. We then descend quite steeply down the fell side to join the Cumbria Way. This follows the meanderings of the River Derwent back towards the lake. Just before Grange we cut west and head up towards Manesty, but before reaching there we cut back towards the Cumbria Way after a short stretch of road walking, and shortly after this we join the path that follows the west side of Derwent Water back into Keswick via Nichol’s End and Portinscale.

All the best 
This walk does not go up Castle Crag and most of the paths we take are good gravel tracks with some road walking.
The coach will drop us off in Rosthwaite, we will have a quick loo stop, then take the Cumbria Way path north through Borrowdale. Just before 11am we will stop alongside the river at a convenient place for the Remembrance Day 2 minute silence & time for refreshments. We will continue north on the Cumbria Way path & lanes through Grange and have our packed lunch at Brandelhow Bay enjoying the views across Derwentwater. The Cumbria Way path then follows the western shore of Derwentwater to Portinscale & we will finish the walk at Keswick, hopefully with time for tea & cake before meeting the coach for the return journey to Carlisle.
Alternatively, please let me know on the day if anyone prefers to leave the walk at the cafe in Portinscale & make their own way back to Keswick in time for the coach.