Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club







Friday Night Details    











Church of Scotland Hall

Chapel St, Carlisle


Admission £2

All money collected goes to Children In Need


Friday 20th November 2015


A Fund Raising Evening For











Lynda Lowthion


Non Member Guests Welcome

American Supper

Bring and Buy Sale - Raffle


The evening is going to start at approx 7.45pm.after everyone has got settled, to hopefully enjoy a musical get together being entertained by Mary Armstrong, she will play sing along music, music to listen to, music from shows, where you have to guess the show.
We will have a bring and share supper to have either half way through the entertainment or at the end. A bring and buy stall, so if you can ratch through your cupboards etc and donate your goods that will be appreciated, we might be able to buy some recycled Christmas shopping, if things do not sell we will have a raffle also and hopefully make some more money to enrich the  less privileged. All are very welcome to come and enjoy this evening, if anyone has any more ideas to make some money please feel free to contribute your ideas or better still put them in place.