Coach Fare


A committee meeting was held on Wednesday 12th September 2018.

The main item discussed was the cost of coach walks.


This year the average cost of hiring a coach has been £290


Our average attendance for coach walks has been 35, at £6 per person

this gives an income of £210.


A loss of £80 per coach walk.


We run about 22 coach walks a year and a loss of £80 per trip is not sustainable.


Reluctantly the committee decided that an increase in the coach fare was necessary.


Starting with the first coach walk in October


the fare will be




Despite the increase it is quite possible we will still lose money

but hopefully we will have sufficient numbers attending coach walks to cover the cost.


John McKay


Carlisle and District Rambling Club













Coach Fare

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays