Waterton Hall

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays

Thank You to Graham & Barbara


As a thank you to Graham & Barbara Bell for all the hard work involved

in organising the club holidays for the past twenty years,

a collection was made by the Alnmouth holiday makers.

Below is a photo of the gifts purchased by

Judith Mingins on behalf of the members




A big thank you to all the members who were on the Alnmouth holiday and who were so kind in contributing to the collection for the very generous gifts that were delivered by Judith. (Photo on the website).
The job of organising the Club holidays over the last twenty years has been made so much easier by the support and friendship of all the members who have attended and I have no doubt the same support will be offered to Ian in the future.
Once again many thanks.
Graham and Barbara









For those attending the

Wenesday Walk Planning Meeting

Hosted by Judith Mingins on 8th December

The Start Time is Now 10.00am