Forthcoming Walks & Events

Forthcoming Walks & Events


Sunday 28th July  2024

Walk B

Hadrian's Wall - Steel Rigg - Housesteads Circular

8 Miles Grade 2/3

Leader: Astrid Carrs


Start: Sands 9.00am







Parking at The Sill (NE47 7AN), £5 for all day. We will cross the military road and make our way up to Steel Rigg, to a short, steep rocky ascent. We will follow Hadrian's wall, built in 122 AD, which is a stone and grass path/ track of undulating hills. This is a scenic and well preserved area, where remains of turrets and forts can still be found.
We will have a banana break at the famous sycamore gap, and the remains of the 'Robin Hood tree', criminally felled last year. 
From the wall  you can see Housesteads Roman fort, which is one of the best preserved forts on the wall and was occupied for almost 300 years. We could nip down to the museum which has some gifts and refreshments if anyone wants to.
We will find somewhere nice along the way to have lunch. After lunch we make our way a little further along the wall to King's hill (951ft), where we cross over a stile and make our back back via a path north of the wall. The return journey takes us on a flatter route, with a different perspective of the wall. Taking in views of the surrounding lakes (loughs), crags and woodland. We will encounter livestock, a few stiles and it could be boggy in places. But as it is off the beaten track, the views and tranquility make it worthwhile.
A scenic walk full of history in my home county of Northumberland. Refreshments and icecream are available afterwards at the Sill cafe where we parked. Or the twice brewed pub is good if anyone prefers.

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays

Sunday 4th August  2024

Walk B

High Rigg and Low Rigg

6.5 Miles Grade 2/3

Leader: Bruce McMillan

Start: Sands 9.00am








We get to the start at/near Legburthwaite where we'll park at one of 4 parking availabilities.
  Whichever, we walk along a short stretch of the Thirlmere road and enter a gate to start the climb. We have an initial steepish but short climb to reach the start of the undulating ridge where, weather permitting,we have wonderful panoramas all round. We will reach High Rigg, a Wainwright, and then proceed to the downhill path to the youth centre.
   We cross the road and walk over Low Rigg and past Tewet Tarn. A short road walk, then onto the lower path alongside the foot of High Rigg (there is a riverside cafe) where we come out where we started. We can decide on the day where to have lunch.
   A very pleasant and not too hard walk, hopefully, with a sunny day.

Wednesday 31st July  2024


Canonbie and Rowanburn

8 Miles Grade 3 (185ft of ascent)

Leader: Paul Clarke


Start: Sands 9.15am








Take the A7 north from Junct 44. Go through Canonbie and immediately after crossing the bridge, turn left. Further down the no through road there is a large layby on the left just before the waterworks; map ref: NY 394772. We will follow the River Esk heading south past the cemetry; as the river turns left we can admire the impressive sandstone cliffs. Further along at Willow Water the Esk meets Liddel Water. We shall turn east following Liddel Water towards Rowanburnfoot where we join the route of the old Carlisle-Edinburgh railway line that closed in 1969. We leave the railway cutting at Rowanburn and pass the Statue of Lang Sandie the ill fated Border Reiver from 400 years ago. We then head north to Rowanburnhead and a short road section to Byreburn Wood and Fairy Loup waterfall. Afterwards, to Whitesyke Garden Centre in Longtown for scones & cake.



Thursday 25th July 2024


Tarraby - Rickerby Park

3/4 Miles Grade 4

Leader: Stephen Parker

Start: Sands 6.00pm







Meet at The Sands at 6pm or in the car park at the Near Boot at 6:15pm
A Short walk around Tarraby and Rickerby Park before a meal at the Near Boot - table booked for 7.30pm
No Pre-Order required

Sunday 11th August  2024

Walk B

Styhead and Sprinkling Tarns

7 Miles Grade 2

Leader: John French

Start: Sands 8.30am








We will be starting from Seathwaite Farm in Upper Borrowdale ( grid reference NY235122) where parking is available on the grass verge along the roadside.
After parking we will head south between the farm buildings and cottages and stay on the track as far as Stockley Bridge. We then cross the bridge and go through the gate  before heading straight up a steep path to Greenhow Knott. Taylorgill Force on the right is definite worth a photo. We then pass through a further gate in a stone wall after which most of the climbing is over.
The Path continues on to Styehead Gill which we will eventually cross over a small bridge which leads to Styehead Tarn on the left.  Probably will have a short "banana break" to enjoy the  the scenery including Great Gable, Scafell Pike and Great End.  After a short stop , we will then make our way to the stretcher box at Styehead when we will then turn left up an undulating path that eventually leads to Sprinkling Tarn.  The tarn should be an ideal place to stop for our lunch break.
We will continue along the path towards Esk Hause. The path meets Ruddy Gill which we will drop down to cross and then continue along the eastern side of the gill. We will then walk parallel to Grains Gill as far as Stockley bridge. We will cross the bridge and head back to the cars at Seathwaite farm
 ***Please note the early start of 8.30am from the Sands due to limited parking near Seathwaite Farm.***


From 19th - 29th July 2024

Any infotmation to go on the website during this period send to

John McKay


Tuesday 30th July 2024

Euchan Glen Walk Sanquhar

4/4.5 miles - Grade 4

Leader: Peter Flynn

Start: Carlisle Railway Station 9.35am


Catch the 9.54am train to Sanquhar (£13.25 with railcard) 

for a beautiful trip to one of the most remote areas in Britain


From the railway station we go down pass the duck pond to a bridge over the river, then a circular walk about 1.5/2 hours along the river bank, then up a wooded glen back to Sanquhar for a drink and/or bite to eat.

Not hilly but not totally flat

A lovely trip. 




Sunday 28th July 2024


Randygill Top and Green Bell

11 Miles Grade 1

Leader: Ann Cameron-McIntosh

Start: Sands 8:45am








Parking on the old road, NY684049 just off the A685 Tebay to Ravenstone Dale road. Turn right about 4 miles East of Tebay,  signposted Bowderdale careful it comes up fast after a long straight. I’ll meet here.
Following tractor and quad bike tracks the grassy slopes are easily scaled on to Hooksey then a pull on to Randygill Top. We continue to Green Bell before descending past the source of the River Lune to Knoutberry and on to Knott from where we descend into Ravenstonedale. Returning via field paths.




Sunday 11th August  2024

Walk A

Seatallen from Greendale, Wasdale

8 Miles Grade 2

Leader: David Bulman

Start: Sands 8.30am








We meet slightly earlier at 08.30 to allow for the distance to Wasdale. We park by the side of the road at Greendale just before reaching Wast water. -  anyone going direct aim for at NY 145 046. A path leads off towards Greendale Tarn before we branch off right following the path up the fairly steep shoulder rising to Middle Fell 582 mtrs where the views to the Scafell range and the head of Wasdale are second to none (hopefully) Descending to the col above Greendale Tarn we are then faced with a very steep but mercifully short climb to Seatallan top at 692 mtrs our highest point and a well earned rest in the stone shelter. There follows a stroll down the grassy shoulder of Nether Wasdale Common to the end known as Cat Bields. A further descent then takes us over Glade How to Buckbarrow. For our final descent we cross over to Gill Beck -( to avoid the crags off Buckbarrow) then down to the road for the final 1 mile return.