Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club








The Great Dalston Snowdrop Robbery    

Dear Carlisle & District Rambling and Fellwalking Club,

contact: 07798882288,




This is an odd request, but I work for a TV production company called RDF Television and we are in the process of making a documentary for ITV about garden nightmares. We are investigating the story of the stolen snowdrops in the Dalston area and have been in touch with the officer involved with the case and he has been incredibly helpful. We're now trying to find locals who are willing to discuss how they felt about someone going into the local woods and stealing wild bulbs and the affect this had on the community, whether that be them coming together to find the culprit or the disappointment that such a thing would happen.


I wondered whether you might be able to notify your club members that we are looking for people with opinions on the subject and it would be great to hear from any one interested?


My number is: 0207 013 4115

and my email:


I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Sarah Marriott