Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club 









             Coastal Access Scheme









I hope you're well. I'm a reporter for ITV Border and I'm contacting you with a ramblers question...


The CLA has criticised Natural England for its Coastal Access scheme, saying it hasn't improved access, because most areas in the plan were already accessible to start with.


I was wondering if this is something that your ramblers group has noticed in Cumbria? This map shows the sections that have been and are due to be improved. Do you think the green section is more accessible now? And do you feel the other sections of our coastline need more work?


And...If you by any marvellous chance have a group going out tomorrow to walk along the coast can I come with my camera, please?






Fiona Marley Paterson

South Lakes Reporter

ITV Border

07919 393 771